Young people today are searching for what is real and what works in their lives. They are moving from childhood to adulthood. Some have already started a friendship with Jesus but lack a mentor to disciple them in their relationship with Christ, while others have never heard of Christ. Around the world, there is a tremendous need for full-time youth workers, who have a deep desire to see young people develop in their walk with Jesus. In many circumstances, creativity is needed to find ways to make connections and build relationships with young people. Do you share our passion to see young people discover who Jesus is and be built up to become men and women who follow Him? Consider joining us on this journey!
Located in Tata, Hungary, we have a community center that has been present in the community for a couple of years. Initially started by OM its now under the wings of the local Baptist church.
Many teenagers come each afternoon to hang out after school, play games, chat, share snacks, our purpose is to build relationships with them and through that show Gods love for them. Because the ministry has grown so much, we really need another person next to our current youth worker there, to be able to have the opportunity to go deeper with them, and not being only busy with just running the program.
We’re looking for someone who can serve with us at least 20 hours a week. Every weekday afternoon. Preferable a woman, as it’s then easier to build relationships with the girls as well (our other youth worker is a man). But if you feel called and you’re a man, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
If you would like to serve the Lord full time and you are happy to invest the rest of your working week in ministry as well, there are opportunities within the local Baptist church and the local OM team to serve along them as well in other existing ministries.