A man walks through the market. Photo by Rebecca Rempel.


ISRAEL: What comes to mind?  Beautiful mountains? Mediterranean beaches? Deserts? Biblical sites? War? Terrorists? Bombings? We want you to share the hope of Christ to the hopeless. 
We are reaching out to Jews and Arabs. You can learn Hebrew or Arabic and use some English to communicate the Gospel of Jesus.


Get involved with a local church, while also serving as an example and excite them to reach out to the lost. Developing relationships and seeking to share the gospel is expected from day one.

- A passion to share Jesus
- willingness to learn a language
- love for people
- not afraid of challenges
- self-motivated
- attitude of willingness to learn
- an openness to stay in the region long-term is a plus.
- It is a perfect transition for those called to a long term commitment in the Land.
Commitment length: 1-2 years

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