You will be working as part of a cross-cultural team in partnership with local village churches and church plants. This outreach will involve organizing day camps for children, visiting elderly and families in their homes, and possibly helping practically where needed.
Ministry details
For coordinating the children's camps, your team will lead games, songs, Bible stories and crafts. When visiting people in their homes, you will have the opportunity to listen to their stories, share testimonies, give food parcels, and offer a Bible and prayer. Your team may be involved in coordinating a youth meeting and leading a church service.
The purpose of this outreach is to help the local churches in their ministries to the least reached by ministering to children, youth, and elderly in villages. Through this cross-cultural experience, you will have the amazing opportunity to grow in your faith and relationship with God.
Participant profile
Do you have a heart for children and elderly? Do you want to be challenged in your faith and experience God in a new way through cross-cultural ministry? Do you want to share the Gospel to the least reached, serve in a practical way and encourage local churches and believers? Come and join us!