Program runs for 3 months at a time doing life together with participants learning and taking part in giving testimonies and sharing the Gospel by taking part in Evangelistic events and engaging with communities. Trekkies are helped every day in becoming effective disciple makers and producing vibrant communities of Jesus Christ.
Ministry details
Participants move with Trek leaders working with Churches and OM Fields in the different countries visited and participate in the work of God going on as they grow together.
Intentional Discipleship training for the Trek participants moving from country to country for a specific time. Serving in different churches along the way and growing together which in turn leads to experiencing a deeper intimacy with God.
Participant profile
A believer willing to step out of their comfort zone. Team player, self-motivated, someone ready to share their gifts and learn new languages. Teachable, ready to grow and experience God on this adventure.
The Trek cost is set on a sliding scale.